Let’s Chat About Neurodivergence

Thursday 27 February, 2pm – 3pm

Margaret River Library is holding a gathering for Neurodivergent people. Space will be set up with some board games and craft for individual or group participation. Guests will be greeted and made welcome, and light refreshments will be available. The session goes for an hour, but guests can stay longer if comfy. Library staff will provide an introductory chat to break the ice.

Suitable for young adults aged 17 and above.

RSVP: amrlibrary@amrshire.wa.gov.au  or just show up!

The library is an easily accessible venue and space is available for support carers.

The Cocoon Gallery for Emerging Artists

Shine: an exhibition by Joanne Armstrong

We would like to welcome Joanne Armstrong into the Cocoon Gallery for emerging artists with her exhibition titled ‘Shine’.

‘Life can be challenging but hardship and the way in which we handle it is what makes us.’ Joanne has poured her life experiences and emotions into the artworks she presents here. These artworks are her first, based on recycling, reusing and repurposing. She obsesses with anything that reflects, refracts or warps light and these elements feature prominently in these collaged mixed media works.

In preparing for this exhibition, Jo has found satisfaction from being thrifty and gratitude in realising her personal resilience and “NEVER give up attitude”. Her hope is to add to this collection and inspire others – you – to keep the faith, even when the going gets tough or when you’re perhaps being tough on yourself. The works are accompanied by a poem titled “Shine”.

The exhibition will be on display until Friday 20th December. The Cocoon Gallery for emerging artists is in the entry to the Margaret River Library.


Remember When Story Time For Adults

Thursday 14th November, 2pm – 3pm at the Margaret River Library

This interactive story time session is for older adults to share their life stories and memories. We will start with a heart warming story called ‘Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge’ by Mem Fox and Julie Vivas and presented by Leisa Prangnell. We welcome everyone, particularly those living with dementia and their families, including children.

Please RSVP to Email: amrlibrary@amrshire.wa.gov.au or Phone: 9780 5600

The Library is an easily accessible venue and space can be made for support carers. This event is in honour of Seniors Week and is a satellite event for the Festival of Our Age: Celebrating Positive Healthy Ageing.

Just Home Information Session at the Library

Tuesday 29th October, 5.30pm – 7pm

Just Home Margaret River are holding an information session at the Library. Come along to hear about what the group is achieving, their plans for the future and how members of our community might be able to help.

If you can’t attend the session you can contact Just Home for more information. Email: office@justhome.org.au or visit the website: https://justhome.org.au

Just Home is a grassroots movement for housing justice. Their goal is for everyone in Augusta Margaret River to have access to appropriate, accessible, low cost, secure and sustainable housing.

Change to Hours on Friday 18 October

Margaret River Library will be open from 10am to 12pm only on Friday 18th October. We will be closed from 12pm to enable the library team to attend staff training. We apologise for any inconvenience.

The Library opens again on Saturday 19th at 10am.

Feel free to use our after-hours chute for your returns and access to the library online services is available at amrlibraries.com

Lego Club at Augusta Library

Thursday 3 October, 10.30am – 11.30am

Join our one-hour long Lego Club session to take on new challenges. This free activity has all Lego provided. Best suited to children over 5 years and bookings are essential. Eventbrite.com.au/Shire of Augusta Margaret River Libraries

*Augusta session also includes craft for ALL ages. Please note children need to be accompanied by an adult while in the library.

The Golden Feather Hunt is back!

Bring the whole family to our children’s and young adult sections to search for special FORM Scribblers feather-shaped bookmarks. Find a shiny Gold, Silver, or limited-edition Fuchsia Feather to WIN exciting prizes, or decorate a White Feather for the chance to win a spot prize. Stop in for more information and follow @scribblersfest to watch the feathered fun unfold over WA.


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Contact the Libraries

Margaret River Library

Fearn Avenue, Margaret River WA 6285
Phone: (08) 9780 5600
Email: amrlibrary@amrshire.wa.gov.au